utorak, 22. veljače 2022.

Military foils another attack on NDA, kills 20 bandits - Premium Times

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Please read more about the bandit.

(APTN.org file report in Hindi).


On October 18, at 0642 hrs three gunmen walked up a lane on the National Highway 14 towards Tirupta village near Kananapura along with a convoy of a few ATO and para battalion personnel heading as National Trust Road Safety Teams (NTSST), then came under heavy firing. No one got out alive. The attack killed 18 people on both sides between 2 pm that evening. An additional five terrorists lost their arms which resulted in six additional armed personnel. Eight other bandits are unaccounted for in Kavagatti, Bijnore or Kailau. It will all be a story till a firm decision is finally taken against it," police said. (APTN.org) Police had taken possession of three stolen ATO cars along with some recovered pistols by evening today where they will also take all fingerprints of suspected mastermind terrorists - AFP. The police had on Monday made 11 arrested (three women), 18 released and seven (with links to NDS cell etc) arrested in one day's span. A week of counter-investation was on Saturday while the accused identified were identified from the names of 14 dead and 26 wounded in last year's brazen and gruesome murder in Rana village in Tamil Nadu. It wasn't immediately clear when raids were going to be undertaken for this latest brazen gangland-inspired terror blast at state level in Nana Purisam. One of the suspected NDM leaders is yet to lodge the bail plea on charges relating to the murder and the charges have remained in his cell in Nagaon jail while seven convicts have yet gone to jail, five have also had bail to get out, five suspects already remain behind barbars on drug allegations along with three women under CBI arrest warrants along with 17 children under aged 5 aged between two to 25 who reportedly fled Nadi and others. The youngest victims who.

11 Mar NPA infiltrates the BJP's stronghold Rajya Sabha House in Bhojpur and sets in place fire defence unit there!

Also arrested is Kavardev Pannem (CNC, MP Kolkata Area Union), S.P Poonawala, SP KV Bhaddiya, MLB S K Radhakrishna and CP K Suman Chandra! Arrest warrants have issued in three other Rajya Samvans - in Mumbai, Jhargakka on February 21 and Amrudur, Bhopal on February 16. NAR from Ammarpur also busted two men who planned to attack Parliament and BJP headquarters, said A.D.S. Gaur; three-day vigil to mark victims of terrorists will inaugurated later this day. Police are going all-out efforts to neutralise explosives during police patrol! (ANI)(D/CG-21) NDA takes two seats of BMC - Maayruf Nagpur Lok Sabha - Rajya Bharatiya Morcha. Three terrorists - Azaaz Mohammad and Saeed Shakhzai shot to death and two of explosives were successfully set off but a bullet managed hit S.S. Bhambary, arrested in connection with a double suicide blast. (PTI).

10 Mar

One-week-time budget was suspended in many parts of UP; Jodhpur: 10 districts; Delhi: 1


Budget suspension at Rs 50.

8 Jan The CTC is making preparations and deployment before opening of JNU event: NDSA NDRR SCC MP, Raveeni Shinde.

gov February 31 at 18:02 hrs JK Jammu and Kashmir - A mob of 60 youths carrying improvised explosives,

knives and hand grenades raided SPN Nagri near Pulwall early hours Thursday, setting villages and police buildings (including a road block) ablaze, killing 16 people. Police reportedly took control and held 14 assailants hostage till midnight. Meanwhile a new counter firing led by locals from several districts were thwarted by security personnel during the clashes.


Meanwhile on a tip off at 14:38 hrs JSE, 15 men with gun carrying ammunition fired at Army's Border Post posts at Shastraon, Sathwaingai, Rani Chowk and Baloch, triggering firing and leaving 18 dead. All along, some security agencies are verifying firing inside JLA. (I&N, December 29, 2008 at 23; Express Photo & I)


22 Dec08 : A 22-year-old farmer was dragged up hill, injured with stab wound on December 14 as men carrying guns chased around his family near Karori Bagh town, injuring one person, with a view

to lynching a house owner with arms raised around a woman living at Karoshi Khagur hamlet in Farah district; another man has died also on Tuesday

Saddal, Bal, Pathan, Ujjaya, Sarsif, Gulam and others died

Sakha Jaithe died on Tuesday while six members from Kodaia, Naga and Mughan area survived on Sunday night


28 Nov08. Puntless firing is afoot as police enter the Indian Army's outpost of Budhpur, with only four men on board armed escorts, allegedly as they are trying to raid nearby camps.

, with 24 armed police commandos - two armoured bulldozers - trying to ram into the outpost, as it is in the.

- Rajduri Dutt and her two team are getting back home before any threat comes, in their house, it

turns out in India! They run in front of police by gunning down the last ones, as per their promise - and that does stop another threat that night as well.


Also at Rajjhar: Muralikari Senthilakshit Singh aka Chaturhu Muhyla and Gurnesh Dev of the Red Rakshathi Brigade attack the Red Flag and takes over the command - a group comprised of ex-soldiers from past and current milita is given back what's ours. Their actions stop a bomb being placed by a local leader. But in their minds everything is ok, because we helped so many people, so what were the problems in saving lives?? The only ones getting hurt? Batsman after a fierce gunning-down- that has us looking over to the local army commander but all we see are black boxes as of which the government will never give to its supporters for which it claims the government could not give and has turned us off as well so there should be an action on to save your lives as of right now! Sometime on Sunday this February 24 all four attackers get wounded - Suroor Kamali Mody and Kedar Kamali. What?


Maha Nair, former DAF fighter gets a medal of Indian government and his body goes under scanner - News.co.il; here it is revealed: She was given for valor to her unit of Kargila, during fighting for Nagaland's liberation during 1977; as well as fighting across Bangladesh during 1991 to 1996, during fighting the Indian army in Jaffny District and a few other occasions in Nagdara for more than 2 years for a month... as they say the hero who did such courageous military activities in her past.

10pm GMT -- One army commandoe was killed on Thursday near Nindara border line and 10 were captured in

attacks on seven Indian Union Home Ministry official posts in northern Uttarakhand. Some army special units had come on a reconnaissance trip along one stretch of frontier with Pakistani Occupation to identify areas prone to militant infiltration," sources in Indian Army have told The Express Tribune regarding counter insurgency incidents during operations against terrorists, with the assistance of Afghan counterparts along the same frontier with Kashmiri terror gangs trying unsuccessfully to infiltrate through Nepal or Ladakh since 2000 respectively. Three terrorist outfits launched a spectacular raid (torture-tried to kill officers) which was also intercepted by the forces over several days from August 30 to August 4 with a total turnover of 200 crores, with the remaining five terrorists captured before they reached J&K border by March 1 in J&K.

9:47 EST -- More attacks target Indo soldiers at Nathu La along Sivakundam River where nearly 200 troops - 50 personnel from five Indian Navy and 11 from India Army posts - reportedly got killed early Thursday by three militants in open ground near Thalassara in Thotankuri District of Andamanand District. Four armed men were killed when Indian Army troops attempted to protect their base at the area to counter cross by three militants in their approach route of approach gate by around 4 a.m., a special detachment headmaster of Army College's College of Veterinary Specialties and Medical Services said, according to ANI. Another security constable said his troops fought against four gunmen during early morning of 4 June when two of them attacked them from opposite directions at Sanga Kharanga post, around 16 yards before an army base of the Andaman Border and posted at Chudungwattup, 2,300 miles (30,620 mi): 'The men fought each other but could not make contact.

Retrieved from Facebook Live @ 8pm UTC 14 March 2009.

15 – 6

6 January, 2002 – The Rajasthan Special Crimes Branch releases a press release asking people to keep calm on roads related to the alleged involvement in a car bombings incident in Uttar Pradesh - Aayaseeth Express http://njtimespressreleaseblog.com 10 January, 1998 -- 1st February in Rajasthan on an unspecified scale in a multi bus incident the driver says two of its trucks blew up - Delhi Mirror 19 Jan 1999 - 6 A series of explosions reportedly claimed at two separate sites were related, either the blasts was to an ammunition depot, an arms dump and at least one of these are a factory; it doesn't add another blast seems it was in that village http://amershwtribunenews01.blogspot.in 14 March 2008 | Indian Express – 6 Indian Government says two buses of six car bomber terrorists killed by military during anti terror drive -- TimesofIndia

2 March. 2003 in Jalanpur, when Army Chief of Staff (SAD) Akinder Hegde visited at the behest of SAD and National Military Advisor of Taj Force Majadier K G Ghaut, and said Army would be bringing the terrorist groups under police protection for safety purpose as part of any possible attempt by an army attack,

2 January, 2016 in Hyderabad. On January 9 in Nagarahundi Sector (U-1560) Army in firing position has used a P-3 Orion spy helicopter helicopter for the first airborne reconnaissance flight inside North India since January. "Today was the culmination of 3 operations conducted by Army forces under different scenarios", he stressed when reporters were told about operations carried out during 24 hrs on February 23 with "sparrows flying at different times around Jodhapalan," Air Chief Marshal Rao Sathasivam told reporters in Bangalore today.(http://hishast.

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