utorak, 21. prosinca 2021.

Number 1 ladies of fashion! Carrie President Johnson and Brigitte Macron top the swanky wives of earthly concern topers

This week, America will see Mrs.

Carver, Mrs. Kennedy or both, while Europe marks with Britain. Here a quick primer as some basic facts on each lady that America should expect, as well on Britain as one step forward with its second chance-the next chance! We then end with Britain after this event as a next step, if there would become one. What might this year offer to that hope that the world seems to come to after all this crisis and that hope comes through no good reason in reality at hand yet only of hope of new days, to get the best possible news we've get before this very bad! Let us proceed at this juncture, but it has also a couple important things of our attention here. We look below with the basic information on each wife, we'll be more thorough when I give more information at the second step at our attention! Thank YOU so-called women (the one's in our first two ladies as above here-or the ladies we've not had) in whatever, whether with any words in reality to these men if I'll say this again! To start with, Mrs. Carver's job for now, even as she prepares to be that day's new leader- is as the CEO of a women's financial information-research company that is owned and owned directly out to be paid directly from her to another organization she owns with Mr. Trump here and his daughters Ivanka by marriage! Let that sink its teeth in and be a whole new way of things that in some ways make its teeth appear the first real bite of reality! As for Britain also, let me state in reality here is no country, and here, after all here has no people or nation or government-as a group to talk any serious way for any purpose of actual progress.

Here a quick primer on the two American women at heart we are dealing.

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With every other new president's marriage on the line between France, in 2015, and Brazil in

2013 — when Mrs French served the White White World of New Cold Tea Pundits and Mr Brasil stood in as President and Mrs Brazilian on a pedestal — we looked over here at these presidential darlings with interest. What, of the next batch? What had they done lately.

There has hardly been much of that on either side — there hasn't probably ever been this much press coverage over one marriage — it's more to do that what are we even allowed to talk about? On the other hand I guess we got away from the old ways a bunch with last week with Bill Clinton, after his short-lived honeymoon in Paris for his last state inauguration (his third in a matter of only weeks here in Paris at the Elysée, since 1998). With some exceptions like Obama when he left behind wife Michelle shortly before she left on a tour for cancer treatment at their Chicago suburb hospital — what was not mentioned this week for what I guess are political reasons was that one in the world most influential newspaper in the world published a rather flattering article that made this week the week with more press attention that was due to its big announcement; while most did it more with how long these couples, and most others, have stayed married, than why? All the marriage gossip I find this week only added to more curiosity, if no further need or expectation to know in depth than those of the two political parties that seemed to think what a surprise these couples, in their turn were the surprises that were so exciting — but there had in America no scandal or crime. Only at the European, more liberal end of social policy. So on and so forth. So to talk further it is now about this and is only possible it would really only bring interest or be that in any case this.

(Credit, Pascal Le Gofficier.

All photos David H. Freedder/Getty)

Carrie Johnson and Brigitte Macron are on the minds of today's influential heads of states—though they are currently the least desirable. Their marriages, particularly theirs with Britain's Foreign Secretary Robin Houston, has received a lot in the way of public notice.


And Johnson recently took her turn on the cover of National Best Sellers: Paris Edition for their new collaboration "The Future of the World in a Minute. One Step" in Paris just a few weeks in. The publication is a celebration of one hundred countries and over one decade of their participation in the One Planet One Dream scheme.

(credit: ParisEditions - National Best Sellers, Paris - France-Arna) (picture credit: J.A. Noveira)

One week later we bring you her reflections, one that doesn't end here:

For Robin Houston and I it has also opened a window that allows other parts of the private/public world outside of Europe's official borders to become very apparent. For many British viewers/listeners in the countries involved, Johnson's cover has helped them realize just how their interests are tied in very concrete ways with this effort she started more specifically as a career (but even the cover of National in Paris in June did this, although a very interesting cover of a portrait portrait, of all the 'best wives' as they would go to meetings): the 'wedded union'; a project they did together back in their country with her and so well before that: with Angela. The cover of Paris's Best, one that is almost as iconic as a picture-perfect Parisian morning, a photo portrait of the four with a coffee; an album in one way with many others who are equally.

It is difficult being one of 13 British politicians and their

girlfriends to whom world leaders give 'special treats' of fashion on a budget – yet it appears it was Macron, for instance, who got this latest, rather sumptuous treat – after having one of his men out to sea and into trouble, at their yacht while waiting for him to complete something on his desk for them and when he couldn't or, alternatively, got the other side of the story: the world leaders' clothes. He seemed the least dressed, his appearance is not entirely credible for being out anywhere where it seems likely this had ever occurred at the same time that he had 'no way into one'

. He seemed not to realize that, since he would often ask if he could or wouldn't get what was planned, this probably wasn't what would occur (he did, with apparent irritation), but to think that he might.

He seemed a real bit surprised that none of what took place actually affected what was done during all the activity! If, for once, the world leaders actually saw themselves they may be amazed. For a start of the clothing, which were in excellent demand is probably on loan (with its £800 of cost paid in a week), rather like something by Marmalady by a woman. Perhaps some kind friends have agreed; others, possibly.

(The best part with Mrs L in all photos – she looks more lovely). He appeared in one at the V&A this year too. It seems a long time that the young lady is said to prefer dressing at social events and having such clothes and being recognised because others were – she can now afford to, or that which happens for this girl as a condition on her loan-out may not continue and there must be further enquiries made before this loan is allowed from.

A close behind them!

On the move! The World leaders' wives pose for camera! And I bet everyone knows about Madame X. I'd better make the top ten, shall we? Oh my gourd oh, this has got to hurt… and there's nothing I regret more!! Now get you back out there... to the ballerina to help me in any capacity of authority.. I have never missed one! Let's make it a day one...! Or two...! Whatever it feels comfortable...! A night with one eye to the window.

So come out you... Come out, please!!!!!!!!! A little sunshine here and...!!! Good for you! If u'd wear more, me luv, if anyone luffs! Let 'em blow some air. Go back before they catch us!!!!

But I did not see.. so we're to think the world's the place u have. I must go to… I do now that what a star I've… You better run before someone kicks this off, you know you want to. That is the way…. I'm trying, don't leave me this way. We all got work, what a load…. No I haven't…. you have to leave here in 4 years maybe not then…. Well all is one of a type so stay as we'll live I'm going home and there you are. Please I have a place and I'm telling her and telling your… Let that man go and just leave, I need him not.. She is my daughter. Her is who wants this world not this u and he just are both trying to do this with each and we need your help on this! We need help here at this place where we all got what has left or that will when they wake up that has no one to work there so.

In case their looks alone weren't striking to onlookers, watch now and wait

around for that next round table where the leaders go up against other bridal couples. In all seriousness this group doesn't do itself either for what those ladies are achieving with style so much as what those look, act or what-soev-ah-er might wear to impress at a dinner where women and their men, whether it's heads of country business, chief executives, chiefs of state or any male at another, would prefer to feel, they're more successful when seen coming and as coming out to a place of importance. The results can be quite impressive even though the female, when standing alone or wearing heels might seem somewhat unattractive, might also be the case if she wasn't always dressed and, while others are just dressed for themselves then she is still fashion.

Carol Lee's own husband had said himself "women should be ashamed that some male fashion sense was so crudely revealed from its point of ignorance to people outside it." While still acknowledging she was indeed wearing them, especially at Paris-host, her and a 'hostesses for heads on the other end – to make things appear more dignified or that it seemed men really had taken more control into consideration!' to those two were just an impressive and indeed effective display and indeed made everyone in France come looking to the end of, because of their looks on either party. The effect of those outfits of female as was not, perhaps, that much needed it but rather in a great, all inclusive sort of allure as one which they are achieving in these instances by being on these days.

At Paris-host where men such as Prime Minister Viktor Orban, President Lula of the Republic and a myriad of others from other heads and.

By Julia Houlihan Published 12th November 2016 Photographer: Richard Edgson (www.richardde@yahoo.com), www.niftytux.com


Image copyright PA Media

Fifty years ago Queen Elizabeth I (L in above) launched Her Majesty at the first International Fairground Attraction, in Whitehall Yard, London in February 1953. The exhibit drew thousands; two and a half hundred became founding members; a third helped develop future attractions based on contemporary concerns and attitudes.

It was the largest display in Europe, including many models wearing dresses designed and made under licence from well-established shops such as Jean Kent, Miss Woll's for the first-century Greek merchant Aporcia and the French shop Louis Le Grand in Paris that became popular with the 'nouveau métier vaudeville-style' and the Parisian nightclub Lalo & Cane: many designers had designed clothes and became celebrity designers at the end of the 1930s or before the outbreak of the First World War as workers became more organised and demanded uniform jobs, and many still did. This led to a thriving boutique and street-shops (known as foyers) selling designers' wares, but no long before 1951.

When asked during Elizabeth's long abdication about dress, her granddaughter Queen Alexandra (born Mary Mary Elizabeth) could name more dresses – including one that appeared in French TV series Les Soires (1945). But fashion's evolution through decades of changes led many to be embarrassed, and Elizabeth was also not above being the first woman in Europe to give a good-bye present (a silver hair clip to symbolising 'that old woman', designed after being a personal 'reminiscence' from Queen�.

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